Brackenridge High School

Lanier High School
San Antonio, TX | Various Sq. Ft. | $450,000,000 | HVAC Commissioning, HVAC Test & Balance

Edison High School

San Antonio ISD voters approved a $450 million bond to fund major renovations for 13 schools. These renovations
will replace infrastructure systems that, in most cases, were more than 40 years old, will upgrade science labs and
expand other classroom spaces to meet recommended state guidelines.
LCCx provided Fundamental and Enhanced Commissioning (Cx) Services and HVAC TAB services as required by IECC
2015, working in rotation with other service providers in the District’s rotation short list.
In addition to commissioning the HVAC chillers, pumps, and DDC controls, we created and implemented the
Building Commissioning Plan and commissioning process and oversaw all required commissioning activities of
the design professionals and contractors during the design and construction phases. We served as either the MEP
Commissioning Authority or the TAB Agent for many for these projects, including those pictured above.
Fox Tech High School

Tafolla Middle School

JT Brackenridge Elementary